Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Resources for learning the simple past tense in English

Over the years, I've found that there are certain handouts I give to almost every class of students.

These are some of the most useful for learning the simple past tense in English.

Like most things in English the actual grammar rules for making the past tense are very simple.

            Take the verb stem and put "ed" on the end.

            For example:              "jump" +  "ed"  = "jumped" -----------Past Tense!!

            Simple (especially when compared to most European languages).

However, also like most things in English, the exceptions to the rules (the "irregular" verbs) are countless and usually outnumber the "regular" verbs that follow the rules. Therefore the key to learning to use the past tense in English is just to memorize not just a lot of irregular verbs but to also remember which ones actually do follow the verbs.

The follow lists have proven themselves useful to me and my students again and again.

First, we have a list of the most common English verbs that are regular in the past tense:

Second, we have a list of the most common English verbs that are irregular in the past tense.:

Once students have learned and become proficient in using those, they can move on to this longer list of regular verbs.: and this longer list of irregular verbs,:

If students want a past tense grammar review, there's one here:

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